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Liu Xin: You mean how do I define…? Sorry I didn’t hear the last bit, you mean the forced technology transfer, or so-called forced technology transfer?


But I guess we shouldn‘t really care if it‘s hundreds of billions of dollars or just 50 cents. How do American businesses operate in China if they‘re at risk for having their property, their ideas, their hard work stolen?

Liu Xin: Well I think this kind of discussion is going on, and I’ve heard very live discussions about this. And indeed there are people talking about China becoming so big, why don’t you just grow up? Basically I think you said it in your program as well, “China, grow up!” I think we want to grow up, we don’t want to be dwarfed or poor, underdeveloped all the time. But it depends on how you define developing country. If you look at China’s overall size, the overall size of the Chinese economy, yes, we are very big. But don’t forget we have 1.4 billion people, that is over three times the population of the United States. So if you divide the second largest overall economy in the world, basically when it comes down to per capita GDP we are less than one sixth of that of the United States, and even less than some other more developed countries in Europe.

责任编辑:凌辰 SF179中证网讯(记者 葛春晖)5月24日,Shibor(上海银行间同业拆放利率)以窄幅波动为主,中长端品种略有上行。其中,隔夜Shibor持平于2.5300%,7天品种微降0.1BP至2.7510%,14天品种微升0.1BP至3.6800%,1个月品种上行0.4BP至3.8450%,3个月品种上升2BP至4.1930%。

与上面相比,其他许多行业在疫情中苦苦求生。上周末,巴菲特令人震惊的出售了美国四大航空公司的股份。梅西百货(Macy ‘s)和杰西潘尼(JCPenney)等零售商面临的情形则更加严峻。但大型科技公司的业务已经从制造流行小应用扩展到建设数字基础设施,世界需要这些基础设施来抵御前所未有的经济关闭,它们现在看起来比以往任何时候都更加强大。
